About UMatter

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This website was originally a response to a rash of suicides in our home community, but our mission has now grown beyond that. Suicide is a challenge faced by many communities, and crosses all age groups and social strata.

Our response to this challenge is Love.

We love you just as you are, and we invite you to come on a journey with us and learn to truly love yourself. When you love yourself, unconditionally and without limits, the urge to harm yourself or end your life will begin to fade away. Trust us on that one.

We have hope for our community and our world, and our aim is to provide some solutions to this complex issue.

First and foremost on that list of solutions is to inspire people to help themselves.

Our mental well-being is an inside job. When you get lost in the maze of your mind, it’s easy to lose sight of the way out. UMatter is not a substitute for the public and private services that many of our communities already have in place. Rather, this website is a tool that you can use in addition to the support systems that already exist.

We feel that it is imperative that people take ownership of their own mental health and tend to it in the same way we would look after our physical health. Good mental health is something we create and nurture in ourselves: you cannot buy it or have another person give it to you. Others can direct you to help yourself, of course, but at the end of the day YOU must be willing to change, grow, heal, and take ownership of your life.

At UMatter, we understand that the lessons we have provided will not work for everyone. We encourage you to take what you can from each lesson and simply keep moving forward on your path to discovering your greatness.

We also understand that these lessons may feel overwhelming at first. Take them at your own pace: do what you can do from the place you’re in. Then tomorrow, come on back and tackle a bit more. We ask you to be gentle and loving towards yourself. Take your time and understand that you are who you are, given all the events that have taken place in your life. It may take time for you to rediscover the real you underneath all the layers of personality, behaviours, and ideas you hold about yourself. Be patient and allow yourself to be whatever you are.

Know that right now, in whatever condition you are in, you are loved and needed in this world. You are a vital part of creation. Your task is to learn how to claim your place on this earth, to discover who you are, and to uncover the peace that lives within you, and within all of us.

Email us at 1nedburwell@gmail.com